Posted by Amie Sassman on October 14, 2013 | 0 Comments
4 years ago we were at a critical moment in our company’s development and our technology vendor was not keeping up with our growth. We interviewed 4 different vendors to meet our needs at the time and we knew we needed to grow and we wanted a technology vendor that we could grow with (scalable). We were very impressed with Point to Point. We knew they understood growth and could assist us in adding the technology solutions as we grow. We have Point to Point handle all of our technology solutions including our copier and our phones. On July 16, we experienced a flood in our office. Nearly three quarters of the office was under at least 3 inches of water. We discovered this at 7:00 am, placed a call to Point to Point and by 8:15 am they were onsite to recover 6 of our desktop computers and our server which appeared to short out. Point to Point was back at our office before 10:30 am with another server having formatted this server and installed our hard drives. He plugged it in and it worked and we never really missed a beat in our office. This server was on loan to us from Point to Point and the intention was that we would use it for approximately a week to 10 days until we got a new one. We did get our new server, 2 months after the flood. Point to Point was completely understanding about the delays that we were experiencing. The replacement desktops were all replaced in less than 10 days from the day we had the flood. I would recommend Point to Point to anyone that is looking for a qualified technology vendor. This is someone that you can trust and is always reliable on arriving on time for our appointments. Point to Point is the kind of technology solutions vendor that you can grow with.


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